Terms of Business
1. In signing your agreement to these Terms of Business, you are also confirming that you are the legal owner(s) of the dog being referred for treatment and that all of the information provided on the Consent Form is correct.
2. All animals treated at Millhaven Canine Rehabilitation Ltd require a signed and dated Veterinary Consent Form.
3. Millhaven Canine Rehabilitation Ltd reserves the right to refuse treatment to any dog.
4. Whilst every care is taken of the dogs undergoing treatment, all dogs receive treatment at their owner’s risk.
5. Payment for services is due prior to, or on the day of the treatment. Payments must be made by bank transfer, or alternatively we can issue an electronic invoice allowing payment by card.
6. Where you need to cancel an appointment we require a minimum 24 hour notice period. For cancelled appointments outside this period or non-attendance, the session fee will be charged in full. Any late arrivals will result in a reduced session time.
7. It is very important NOT to feed your dog within the THREE hours prior to their hydrotherapy session.
8. We will require sight of the dog’s up to date vaccination certificate prior to commencing treatment.
9. If your dog has an infectious/contagious condition or open wounds you are required to inform us with at least 24 hours notice and reschedule your appointment. Your dog must have been free from symptoms of sickness/diarrhoea for 48 hours before attending the clinic. If your bitch comes into season, you must inform us as she will be unable to attend any booked sessions until her season is over.
10. Owners are required to notify Millhaven Canine Rehabilitation Ltd if, during a course of treatments, the dog’s condition worsens, or if the veterinary surgeon advises that the treatment is to be stopped or suspended.
11. Please allow your dog the opportunity to toilet prior to their session, leaving time for this on arrival. Please clear up after your dog both on the premises and the surrounding environment. If the pool is fouled, an additional fee of £45 will be charged due to extra cleaning and possible pool closure.
12. Millhaven Canine Rehabilitation Ltd is not responsible for any loss or damage to vehicles or personal property whilst attending the centre.
13. Please keep your dog on a lead at all times in and around the centre. Although your dog may be generally well behaved, there could be other injured animals at the centre which could be overwhelmed or hurt by normal friendly dog behaviour.
14. We kindly request that you bring as clean a dog as possible to the centre, and that you wear clean non slip footwear.
15. Millhaven Canine Rehabilitation Ltd reserves the right to use video footage/photographs taken during sessions.
16. Privacy Policy: The personal data that we collect about you will include data relating to your name, address and contact details, and the health/medical history of your dog. This data will be securely stored for up to 7 years and will be used by Millhaven Canine Rehabilitation Ltd for communication with you. It will be used as a record of your dog’s treatment and any changes that may occur in their health. You may have access to your data and have the right to ask for it to be corrected (if any errors in the data are identified) or erased. Should you have a complaint, you have the right to request contact details of the supervising authority in order to lodge this. Information will only be shared with your dog’s vet or other veterinary professionals involved in their care.