
What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a profession rather than a single technique and aims to restore and maintain mobility and function. It is an essential part of rehabilitation post injury but it also has an important role in pain management, optimising performance and injury prevention. This is the same whether it is a person, dog, cat or horse. Physiotherapists have an in-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics alongside having an understanding of disease pathology. This enables us to assess and treat a wide range of neurological and musculoskeletal injuries and disorders.

What is an ACPAT Physiotherapist?

The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy (ACPAT) is the special interest group for Chartered Physiotherapists and Members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) who have completed specialist, post-graduate training in Veterinary Physiotherapy. This means that all ACPAT Chartered Physiotherapists are fully qualified and state registered human Physiotherapists as well as Veterinary Physiotherapists. ACPAT Chartered Physiotherapists undertake a minimum of 5 years of university education including extensive clinical practice.

What will Physiotherapy involve?

Veterinary Surgeon consent is gained before all physiotherapy treatment sessions. A full veterinary and husbandry history is taken for each patient, followed by a comprehensive assessment, which includes observation, gait analysis, palpation, assessment of joint range of motion and functional tests. The treatment the animal receives is based on the information gained from the assessment. Each animal is treated as an individual with a tailor made treatment programme. This can include:

  • Joint mobilisations

  • Soft tissue massage

  • Myofascial release

  • Stretching

  • Electrotherapy- LASER, PMET

  • Exercise therapy including a home exercise programme